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Saturday, July 31, 2010

Wins, losses, and a rebirth of sorts...

First of all, a belated congratulations to allisonsbj3 for winning the photo print contest! To thank them for their patience,I am sending along some extra goodies as well.

Second, many thanks for the support during the huge move back to the US; sadly a few of my boxes were lost in storage and shipping, so it does leave me feeling a bit 'lost'. But, staying in New Orleans for a week helped me revitalize and lessen reentry shock. Since NOLA and Paris are quite close to my heart, I brought back a few fleur-de-lys (or fleur de lis) with me to help inspire my studio's rebirth and growth. (The fleur-de-lys is a traditional French symbol that has been adopted by the city of New Orleans as a symbol of its rebirth and growth after Hurricane Katrina.)

I'll be incorporating it into some painting and textile works, and more photographic prints, so look for that in the next two weeks.

Merci encore,


Sunday, July 4, 2010

Our 'Three for Free' Spectacular Giveaway!



To celebrate the launch of Atelier BelleVie (our Etsy store, blog, Twitter, and Facebook page) and Independence Day, as well as commemorate the anniversary of Jim Morrison’s passing - we are offering a set of three beautiful photographs!
Now through Saturday, July 10 11:59pm PDT you can enter to win a free set of prints of your choice from the Jim Morrison set on the ABV Etsy shop! ($62.00 value)
This includes them being sent to you from Paris, France - free of charge.
Really. Vachement. No hidden fees. Aucun frais.

The prize is three 8x10 or 8x12 prints - of your choice - among the Jim Morrison sets listed on the Atelier BelleVie Etsy site: http://www.etsy.com/shop/AtelierBelleVie
(One is up now, another set will be added, possibly two, by Tuesday morning - so you will have several beautiful shots to chose from.)

To enter this contest simply visit Atelier BelleVie ( http://www.etsy.com/shop/AtelierBelleVie) and pick out your favorite item. Then leave a comment here mentioning that item to enter.
We will be adding new items for sale all week long, so be sure and stop by to enter to win!

You may complete each of the following tasks for one additional entry for each task completed. Please comment in a separate post for each task:

- Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/AtelierBelleVie

-‘Like’ our FB page: http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/pages/Atelier-BelleVie/139846212693322. Leave a comment.

-Follow our blog: http://atelierbellevie.blogspot.com/

-Mention us on your blog, and post the link.

-Tweet the contest, and comment with your tweet.

Five bonus entries:
-Purchase an item in our Etsy shop

(Each item we sell during this week will come with an extra ‘from Paris with Love’ package, plus free shipping on all items.)

*****For every 100 followers Atelier BelleVie adds on their Facebook page, Twitter, or blog, an additional set of prints will be given away; a different winner will be drawn for each set.

*****For every 10 new sales generated for Atelier Bellevie, an additional set of prints will be given away as well!

(A different winner will be drawn for each set, you may win a maximum of one set per person. I will be using random.org to draw the winning numbers at random and screen shots will be taken to document the process.)

This contest is open to ages 18 and up.
Please remember to leave a way for me to contact you if you win. Your contact information will only be used for contacting you should you win this contest.

And so it begins!

('Scotch and Cigarette' Feb. 2010 - A photo of some of the offerings left for Jim Morrison at his gravesite. He died July 3, 1971, and though the original headstone and remains have been moved, people still come from all over to pay tribute to him here at Père Lachaise, in Paris, France. *Especially* on July third - nearby residents and harried guards talk about all kinds of celebrations and remembrances that happen long into the night...)

The fusion of the anniversary of Jim Morrison's death and Independence Day celebrations away from the US has triggered a decision to move on, leave things behind, and move into a more independent, yet connected arena.
I have just finished a whirlwind launch of this blog, the shop, a twitter account and Facebook page - as they say here, on est vraiment branchèe maintenant!

Thanks for stopping by, we'll be posting more about the site, new items, the process behind some of them and more in the weeks to come. I am tremendously excited to begin, but one step at a time - so: Bienvenue!!!